An argumentative essay UK is a description of a topic. It is writing that presents an opposing view and suggests an alternative. The writer makes use of a set of arguments to support the position being presented.
Toulmin model
Toulmin is a well-known model that analyzes arguments. This model can help students better understand the process of writing an argumentative essay. It also helps improve students’ understanding of themselves.
The Toulmin model of argumentation consists of three basic elements: claim, warrant, and the supporting information. These components can be subdivided into sub-elements.
The claim, also known as a thesis, defines the position of the author. Additionally, the warrant clarifies how the supporting evidence are in support of the claim. A warrant could be a rule or a principle of historical interpretation or an inference license.
Toulmin’s model can be utilized to analyze the relationship between claims and quality of argumentative writing. It is not able to analyse non-linear arguments.
Another writing model that is argumentative, the Rogerian method, is less aggressive. In this model, a writer examines opposing points.
According to a study conducted by Abdollahzadeh and colleagues.(2017), Iranian postgraduates’ quality of English argumentative writing was positively associated with the claim.
Karabacak (2010) Karabacak (2010) found no correlation between claim quality and overall writing quality. They analyzed 117 writings with time limitations of top universities in Northeast China.
Rogerian model
The Rogerian model argumentative essay is a technique of argumentative writing developed by Carl R. Rogers. Its aim is to promote cooperation and mutual benefit.
Although it may seem like a one-sided approach to negotiation, the Rogerian method is actually a method of negotiation. It puts opposing parties in a difficult situation by introducing the issue by presenting their points of view, and attempting to find a common points of view.
The writer must be trustworthy during this section. They shouldn’t evade questions or attempt to convince the reader of their point of view. Instead they should be kind and respectful.
The first step is to express the opposing viewpoint. This is a great method to engage the audience in a conversation. When they have been involved in the discussion, they are likely to be more willing to come to a solution.
The Rogerian model argumentative essay should highlight a few important concepts. These include the fact that the best write my essays solution may not be the first option presented.
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