Precihole is one of the few machine manufacturers in the world that can supply a cut rifling machine for cutting grooves on small bore caliber weapon systems. Cut Rifling Machines (also known as Single Point Cut Rifling) cut spiral grooves in the barrel by machining steel using a hook cutter.

Cut rifling is a single point rifling system in which the cutter is pulled through the barrel and rotated at predetermined rates to give the necessary rifling twist. A passing cut is made down each groove sequentially and each cut removes only about 0.002 mm from the groove depth. This method does not induce any stress in the barrel. Hence the barrel does not need to be stress relieved before profiling and chambering.

All high precision and sniper weapon systems use cut rifled barrels. They are considered more accurate and precise compared to other rifling methods. .

Cut rifling is a single point rifling system in which the cutter is pulled through the barrel and rotated at predetermined rates to give the necessary rifling twist. A passing cut is made down each groove sequentially and each cut removes only about one ten thousandth of an inch from the groove depth. This method does not induce any stress in the barrel. Hence the barrel does not need to be stress relieved before profiling and chambering.

All high precision and sniper weapon systems use cut rifled barrels. They are considered more accurate and precise compared to other rifling methods.

Machine Mechanism
  • This machine is a cut-rifling machine that uses a single point cutting tool to cut grooves in barrels
  • To start the setup, the tool assembly for a particular caliber of barrel is put on the tool head spindle. The program to cut grooves for that requisite caliber is brought up on the HMI console with the preferred options
  • The tool is programmed to cut a groove at a certain twist rate, get indexed on the other side by a feeder box and cut the next groove
  • After the intended numbers of grooves are cut for a certain pass, the lead screw advances the cutting tool by a pre-programmed value to cut the next set of grooves. The powdery chips and oil fall into a mesh where they are collected. Oil goes back into a settling tank where it is filtered and fed back into the clean coolant tank.
  • This rifling process is very flexible and accurate for cutting grooves. Most competition match grade rifle barrels are produced using this method
  • The twist rate, no of grooves, left hand or right-hand rifling, depth of grooves using no of passes, depth of each pass are all programmable features on the HMI console
  • This machine is capable of rifling conventional 6 grooves or 5R rifling grooves
  • This machine is capable of cutting “gain” or progressive twists